Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I created and moved our blog to wordpress. I wanted more flexibility in's taken me a while and it is still a work in progress but for those waiting for blog updates you can check them out here:

I named the blog after Jaelee's middle name Vella and my middle name Marie.  It will be a blog/site where I will also have pages for my photography.  Like I said it's still under construction but take a look.........

I'm not sure I like wordpress yet.  Since I am using the free there is not a lot of customization I can do so it may be back to blogger for me...

Monday, October 8, 2012

Off to Oregon We Go - Day 1

I love going to the Oregon coast to see our family.  It is really fun to see the kids playing with all their cousins, getting together with our family and there is so much we get to do.  I always look forward to going there.  We made our yearly trip over there for labor day weekend.  We left on Thursday night after work and drove to Portland.
(I had the kids pick out toys to bring and put it in a bag, I had no idea what they picked. While I was driving Greg tells me to look in my mirror at Jayse. He'd brought with him one of his mask and had put it on. So cute, love my little guy.)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Western Idaho Fair

This year for the fair I entered the photo contest with 3 of my photos, so we had to go to the fair to check out if I won anything and have a little fun while there.  The first thing we always do is go look for my photos.  This year we found the photos but no awards, not even an honorable mention. Oh well it's still fun to see my photos displayed there.

After finding my photos we went and took a look at all the animals.  The kids LOVE the chics, while we were looking at them a lady took one out for them to see up close.  They also got to pet a couple ginnie pigs.

Settlers Park

It is officially October, my favorite month!  I am going to try to catch up on my blogging as I am sure we will have a lot going on this month with Halloween arriving!!

In August I took the kids to a park in Meridian that has a lot of stuff for them to do.  There is a little water park that they can play in, toys to run around on, rocks to climb and instruments to bang on.

It was a lot of fun but really hot.  I had to take a dip in the water a few times myself.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Four Generations Getting Pedicures

When we went to Alaska on the day the guys went fishing the girls were going to go get pedicures but we weren't able to.  I had my grandma all geared up to go, she's never had one before.

I felt like she needed to experience getting a pedicure so while my mom was in town I made an appointment for us all to get pedicures.  My grandma and Jaelee getting their first pedicures together.

It was one of those times that was just really cool, seeing four generations all experiencing something together.

The place was really great they treated everyone like queens.  Jaelee had a soda and some fruit snakes and this really cool pink chair that had lights in the water that changed colors.  I think everyone had a great experience.

Car Races

Greg got some free tickets to the car races so we all went.  We had ear protectors for the kids this year and I don't know why we didn't think about them before.  Jaelee liked it so much better.  I think we only stayed for an hour because it was so hot and the kids were just playing around but it was plenty of time to get a bunch of photos.


It just wouldn't be right with out me trying to do a photo shoot at sunset.  We had a really pretty sun set so I dragged the kids and the wagon over to our favorite field.  I only got a few photos before the kids were over it but we got a few good ones.