And colored mummies, witches & Frankensteins.
And colored some more....
I think Jaelee got more on her body than anything else. She even managed to draw a snowman on her belly. And I set my camera down for a second and Jayse somehow took a picture of his own work (pic on the second row on the right). I see two little kids following in mommy's footsteps!
Here's our home all decorated, I like it to be spooky!
I decided this year the twins would be a cowboy and a cowgirl. Like I've said before we like to make our costumes. The basics for their costumes were pretty easy but I decided I wanted them to have horses. Greg and I made some hobby horses. Which turned out cute but not a good idea because what kid is going to carry a horse around and their candy bucket (the horses ended up staying in the house) but they were cute in pictures. I added a piece of leather and some ribbon to their hats, which they also didn't like wearing. And then made a vest for Jayse.
We got to go trick or treating 3 times. On Friday my work had desk or treat for all the employees kids. My kids made out on candy. They thought it was so fun to go around and get candy from people they made many rounds.
Then on Saturday we went to Boo at the Zoo. I was completely overwhelmed by how many people were there. I went with my friend Theresa and her little girl. Greg went duck hunting so he didn't go. I ended up renting a wagon from the Zoo because there were so many people and I was panicking trying to keep track of the twins. After I got the wagon it was better and we walked around and looked at some animals and collected some candy.
Saturday night Greg went to a Halloween party and I went to Theresa's to watch scary movies. Greg dressed as a nerd for his party.
Theresa picked out the movies and one was in a foreign language with English dubbed over it and the other sounded like it was recorded under water so we ditched the movies and just talked and watched the kids play.
Sunday Greg and I took the kids trick or treating in our neighborhood. They were so cute, I was worried they wouldn't want to go up to the doors but Jaelee went straight up to the doors and knocked. Jayse lingered behind and went up to the door after someone answered. At one house they had clothes stuffed with a scary mask on it and Jayse screamed his head off. He kept pushing me away from the scary guy, Jaelee just walked right past it and knocked on the door. Jayse finally went by it while I stood in front of it. It was a lot of fun seeing them trick or treat for the first time.
I have to add a picture I took of Jayden in his Halloween costume. You may recognize it. This was Jayse's costume for his first Halloween. So cute...
Kids are so cute and Greg was hilarious. I was cracking up! Did he have black fingernail polish on?