I love the differences in their canvas paintings. Jayse put to lines of color and told me he was done. I asked him if he was sure and did he want to add a streak of blue or green and he said no he was done. Jaelee mixed a few colors and came up with this pretty brown canvas.
When the tents where done the kids played with them in the living room for a while, while I continued to clean. They even wanted to eat lunch in them.
After I was done cleaning I couldn't help it I had to take them outside for some pictures. We went to a field by our house and I got it pretty much set up. As I was going back to our jeep to get more stuff Jaelee leaned against the tent wall and fell out scraping her hand along the way. It was very traumatic, I thought her entire arm had been severed the way she was screaming. Greg took her to the jeep to calm her down while I got some pictures of Jayse.
Jaelee was still screaming when I was done with Jayse but I managed to get her calmed down enough to get one picture.
I thought I might want to get one more picture of Jayse so I was trying to get him from running around and walked back over to our set up and I saw this gray mouse. I have a tremendous fear of mice so I ran back to the jeep, made Greg clean everything up and we were done. After all the trauma I think the pictures still turned out super cute. We may have to try this set up again but in a different mice free location. :)
When the twins went to bed we put the tents up over their beds for them to sleep in. They thought it was really fun and for our bed time story we read the lion king that we have a little projection screen with, it was fun sitting in the dark reading with their tents. I found the idea for these tents on pinterest, here is a link to the site with the instructions http://lindsayandandrew.blogspot.com/2011/08/frame-pup-tents_11.html?m=1 they were pretty cheap to make and a worth all of it for the fun we had.
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